Jonathan Blanchet


const me = {
  "pro": [
    "🖥️ Web expert",
    "🤖 AI/ML adept",
    "🖼️ Image specialist"
  "perso": [
    "👨‍🍼 Doting dad",
    "⚽️ Sports lover",
    "🚀 Space geek"

I’ve been working in the Web Industry for the past 2 decades, alternatively as a FullStack freelancer, a Googler, a co-founder/CTO and now a VP of engineering. My expertise spans across Backend development, AI, Frontend, DevOps, and Engineering team leadership.

I'm passionate about leveraging technology to solve complex problems and drive innovation. I’m currently VP of Engineering at Jasper.AI, bringing the AI superpowers in the marketing world, with a special focus on images.

If you have any questions you can contact me at